Five nights at freddy's Wikia

Freddy Fazbear is the main character in five nights at freddy's series you may be looking for Toy freddy

Freddy fazbear

First Appearance

He appears in night 1 but doesn't move but in night 3 he starts moving.


Main menu

Freddy in the main menu

Show stage

Freddy and Bonnie and chica in the show stage


Five nights at freddy's app icon

freedy in the app icon

Fnaf teaser image

Freddy in the game teaser

Celebrate poster

Freddy in the celebrate poster


freddy in thank you image

FNaF TheNovel

Freddy Fazbear in Five Nights At Freddy's: The Untoled Story Teaser


Freddy,Bonnie And Chica Staring At The Camera
